Stefano Tommasi


2003 to present Founder and Partner of Innext, strategic and consulting firm based in Italy and China, serves companies with its team of 50 professionals expert in corporate strategy, finance and change management.
Specialized in leading holding transformation, company reorganization, family ownership plans and generation change.
Has worked in Bruxelles, London and Paris and as a trainer and business developer for an American multinational Corporate.

2006 to 2008 Chief Operating Officer for an electronic company helping it reach an international stature.

2014 to present Vice-president of Assoconsult, an Association of Confindustria representing major consultancy firms.

Graduated from Bocconi University of Milano in Business Administration.
Financial Manager of Jeme Bocconi and Jade, the European Confederation of Junior Enterprises of which he is an alumni now.

Fluent English and French.